Keys to Success: Competitive sports teach you fantastic life lessons. These guys have played at the highest levels of their sport, but most of the most significant battles they have faced have been off-field.
Failing Forward: Failure is inevitable. These guys dealt with peaking in their careers early, and the pain of being cut from teams; however, their real-life experience is an excellent source of wisdom and inspiration.
Anxiety and Depression: From personal experience to stories about team members, high-performance athletes deal with anxiety and depression in elite-level competition.
Bullying and Social Pressure: Social media environments mean that failures among our youth are often very public. Many of our team have been the subject of national headlines for the wrong reasons. Their stories contain wisdom and inspiration.
Mentors and Coaches: Elite levels of sportsmanship can only be achieved through the guidance and correction of coaches and mentors. Our team bring balance and passion to the idea of discipline, accountability and guidance as a key to life success.
Families and Communities: Our team have many stories about being distracted by fame and opportunity but learning valuable lessons about the importance of families, friends and communities that provide a lifetime of support and guidance.